It's a risky business adulting, running a home, and navigating life.
Chatelaine Ventures hopes to provide you with peace of mind without condescension.
Sometimes it's hard to know exactly what needs to be done. It can be difficult to describe a problem when you don't really understand it. Whether you woke up and noticed your toilet leaking, you've moved and you need help packing or supervising movers, you own a rental and need help with cleaning and maintenance, or you're drowning in your own sticky notes of things to be done, we are here for you.
Once we have received your message, we will continue with those lines of communication and/or offer a phone number to reach us where we can directly communicate about your individual needs. We are on your team and want to see you succeed!
Pricing will vary, but you will know your options throughout our connection.
What we do not want is for you to feel like you are alone in this dangerous thing called life.
Chatelaine Ventures wants to support you in being the master or mistress of your domain, home, and life; in other words, your castle.
You can contact us at:
We're also on Instagram: